The walk starts by descending Carreg Cadno, crossing the Beacons Way and hopping over a barbed wire fence and picking up the gravel road, which you follow right or East for a while until a sharp right with a fence running North. You pick up this fence line and walk to the right of it. You can follow this fence until another fence intersects it, this is a barbed wire fence that you need to get through. If you head left there is enough room to actually get underneath it – providing you take any backpacks off.

Yr Allt
Yr Allt viewed from Fan Nedd. | Minolta MD 35-70 @ 35mm, f8.

Once under the fence you can continue following the fence North until you get to the summit of Fan Fraith, which is marked by a small pile of stones. Here you can pick up a track that heads left back to the gravel road. It is very wet and boggy in places and beware of some hidden holes that will take you up to your knee in mud and water.

Yr Allt
Looking back at Yr Allt summit after walking over it. | Minolta MD 35-70 @ 50mm, f8.

Once back on the gravel road you follow it down until it heads left, here you pick up another path alongside a fence heading North. This is actually a well established path and offers easy, grassy walking until you’re nearly back on the road after completing the two hills. Yr Allt is not marked in any way, but it is a nice hill with good views and a steep fall East into the valley. If you are in this area it is worth ticking off because it is not out of the way to get to.